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Road accident in Dhanbad, two girl students died

Dhanbad: Two lady college students have died in a street accident in Dhanbad district of Jharkhand. Angered by this, folks protested by blocking the street. The deceased embody Ishika Horo and Jiya Horo. His father Jai Horo is a instructor. It’s being instructed that Ishika was bringing her youthful sister residence from college. Throughout this time a street accident occurred.

Scorpio hits scooter
Close to Ashrafi Hospital of Dhanbad police station space, a rushing Scorpio hit the scooter rider and each the lady college students died on the spot. Angered by the demise, folks got here out on the streets and began protesting. As quickly because the information of this was acquired, the police reached the spot and after a lot persuasion, the physique was picked up.

Ishika was bringing her youthful sister from college.
It’s being instructed that Jiya was a scholar of sophistication 9 in Horo Dinobili College (Bhooli). After college was over, his elder sister Ishika went to carry him on a scooter. Throughout this, the Scorpio coming from the opposite facet went uncontrolled and hit the scooter. Resulting from this, each the sisters died on the spot.

Police cleared the jam after persuasion
After the street accident, the native folks blocked the street and began creating ruckus. Seeing the protest happening, the police reached the spot and seeing the state of affairs worsening, police from many police stations reached the spot. After a lot effort the physique was picked up. After this the site visitors turned regular.

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